The Lotteries and Gaming Authority has requested Playbanks owners to place personal guarantees to make sure all players balances are covered. All players will receive an email from the LGA with information about the procedure the authority will adopt for the payments. If you originally made a deposit by credit card, you will probably have to wait up to 120 days from the date of deposit to receive your payment as the LGA wants to be totally sure there are no chargeback claims.
The Lotteries and Gaming Autho
The Lotteries and Gaming Autho
The Lotteries and Gaming Authority has requested Playbanks owners to place personal guarantees to make sure all players balances are covered. All players will receive an email from the LGA with information about the procedure the authority will adopt for the payments. If you originally made a deposit by credit card, you will probably have to wait up to 120 days from the date of deposit to receive your payment as the LGA wants to be totally sure there are no chargeback claims.