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The fight against betting exchanges and corporate bookmakers is far from over

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Peter V\’Landys, Racing NSW Chief Executive, said NSW and other states including Victoria will not rest until a relevant product fee, nominally a percentage of wagering turnover or gross profit, is returned to the racing industry.

V\’Landys said Betfair expects to pay back to racing 27 cents out of every $100 turned, while the TABs currently return $5 from every $100.

Another inconsistency in the Betfair\’s conditions is that the betting exchange is not at liberty to disclose customer information even if Racing NSW and other states\’ ruling bodies sign an agreement with the exchange.

“It is the most ridiculous self-serving document I have ever seen,” said V\’Landys.

“Even if we were to sign it, it would be at their discretion to reveal the identity of a punter to us if there was any need for inquiry. It is one of the harshest agreements you could possibly see and we are not going to sign any document that is so one-sided.”

Racing NSW also intends to continue its campaign against corporate bookmakers, including those based in the Northern Territory, by continuing to look at copyright agreements over race fields which could stop the bookmakers from publishing the fields.

“They\’ve come to see us and we\’ve told them what we require,” said V\’Landys commenting on the Northern Territory corporate bookmakers. “I think they realise that it would be best for everyone if they pay. Agreements could include the ability for them to then advertise in NSW again.”

“It\’s just a matter of settling on the figures for the turnover tax, which could be a sticking point with them.”