“Internet gambling transcends state and jurisdictional boundaries and presents special problems for states that are responsible for enforcing consumer protection and gambling regulations,” the Attorneys General wrote in a letter to the United States Congress.
“Most jurisdictions believe that they have established the most appropriate combination of law and policy to address their own population\’s needs and desires,” the letter states. “Internet gambling is a threat to this carefully crafted system.”
“Technology fails to provide acceptable levels of protection against violations of state gaming laws and Congress is in the best position to pass enforceable laws preventing the proliferation of Internet gambling Web sites,” the letter went on.
“Simply because the game is played online does not erase the problems associated with gambling. States must still address issues of game integrity, effective consumer dispute resolution procedures, access to gambling by minors, money laundering and other criminal activity, as well as compulsive gambling. Without federal action, the states will be left to clean up the problems online gaming creates.”
“We encourage the United States Congress to help combat the skirting of state gambling regulations by enacting legislation which would address Internet gambling, while at the same time ensuring that the authority to set overall gambling regulations and policy remains where it has traditionally been most effective: at the state level,” the letter concludes.
In separate news, Concerned Women for America (CWA) said that the increasing participation in internet gambling, especially in light of the Men’s NCAA Basketball Tournament, is illegal and presents a danger to those who participate.
“This March Madness season is a time when many people are tempted to engage in this irresponsible hobby,” said Lanier Swann, CWA’s Director of Government Relations.
“I encourage people to use wisdom and discernment before throwing their money down on their bracket of choice. It’s not harmless to break the law.”
“The recent increase of online gambling must be stopped. People of all ages must realize that they are breaking the law every time they gamble money on the Internet. Hopefully basketball fans will enjoy the upcoming games and stick to rooting for their team and not illegally throwing down money through their computers.”