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Oct 15, 2021
1% of the population controls the world
4% of the population are their puppets
90% of the population are zombies
5% are trying to wake up the zombies

The 1% makes sure that the 4% stops the 5% from waking up the 90%.

Do you agree? 👇🏾🤔

I saw it on Twitter



Dec 11, 2021
1% of the population controls the world
4% of the population are their puppets
90% of the population are zombies
5% are trying to wake up the zombies

The 1% makes sure that the 4% stops the 5% from waking up the 90%.

Do you agree? 👇🏾🤔

I saw it on Twitter
Zombie to the day I die 🤘



Nov 11, 2021
100% don't get out alive but being able to see the psychology of the people that think they are the 1% or special can be humorous and sad at the same time.



Jan 8, 2024
I am the 5%

This is part of the problem.

99% of lemmings want to think they are among the “woke” and in the 5% - the other 1% actually feel they belong to the 1%.

Reality is - unless you’re proactively DOING something to educate people and educate on how we are being led as a society - you are in the 90%. Talking isn’t doing / you can post on a forum all day and no one is going to listen until you take ACTION.

The 1% of course are not aligned - they are simply those who set the course for society as a whole - rarely is their a majority that can agree though - hence the fact we are constantly at war. Religion accounts for the majority of that 1% - and for the 4% who promote their agendas. Again - because most religions cannot accept a common beginning to their beliefs - they cannot grow in power generally beyond their regions.

The other issue is the 4% often confuse themselves with the 5% “resistance” - refusing to accept another’s religion while promoting your own does NOT make you a member of the resistance- it makes you a dangerous lemming who not only blindly follows but enhances the power others hold. Politics much the same - it’s not just red vs blue - there are political regimes around the world seeking control and people hungry enough for a feeling of accomplishment and belonging that they will support these tyrants - even if it means giving away their freedoms.

Today is patriots day - never forget the values our country was built upon. That no central government shall be so powerful to direct the citizens as a whole. It was our founding father’s philosophy that a central government was responsible only to ensure the safety and individual liberties of citizens of each state. Our freedoms are ours alone - not for a central government to decide for us. If you’re walking around with a MAGA hat or a Biden bumper sticker on your EV - you are not part of the 5% - you belong squarely with the lemmings and some are following dangerously too close. Protect yourself/protect your family and then seek to educate others with your actions - not your words.

If we have learned anything- it’s that the lemmings are attracted to those who provide a benefit to them. It’s how governments and religions have sought control for centuries. Destroy their power by providing an alternative and seek not to control the citizens lives - we have been taught to fear anarchy by those who realize its power to defeat them.

Do what though wilt shall be the whole of law.