Admin Here Should Give An Explanation

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Oct 23, 2021
Sure you can cuss him out.

Keep in mind Optional is only a mere mortal human. I saw what he posted and now you have reposted it. We all make mistakes.

But bro, you tilted those guys, made it personal and they struck back. Optional and Shari are good decent people. They are not owners making all kinds of money. They don't deserve the stress you threw their way just so you could star in your own SBR drama show.

Back to the points...

Is it really the mods job to uncover point scams??? I highly doubt it. That would be finance, management or who ever.
Well, Optional said Shari is head of security in his post at sbr

As for the stress I threw their way...., seems well deserved the way an employee is accusing/threatening me now.. shari might not have deserved that stress but at the time i didnt know she was head of security

I'm not sure any mods here would say Optional is a decent person after his attacks on them as well

And I'll say it again....I dont search for all this information myself, people tell me it...and i always ask if they want me to post it for them anonymously

I would have no problem telling someone higher up what the other problem is at SBR



Oct 29, 2021
Funny how the mods of the year can threaten and make shit up and not have to answer to anybody about it.

But as soon as someone accuses them of doing something shady they are quick to defend themselves.

Seems real shady that the mods of the year would be mad that Rudy brought up the point scamming going on...and gold cashing out points right before the shutdown.

Mods of the year know they have been busted and are trying to use Rudy as a scapegoat to save their own asses.

Actually pretty easy to crack that case.



Oct 23, 2021
Funny how the mods of the year can threaten and make shit up and not have to answer to anybody about it.

But as soon as someone accuses them of doing something shady they are quick to defend themselves.

Seems real shady that the mods of the year would be mad that Rudy brought up the point scamming going on...and gold cashing out points right before the shutdown.

Mods of the year know they have been busted and are trying to use Rudy as a scapegoat to save their own asses.

Actually pretty easy to crack that case.
yea, look what their 49 page "A Message from Sportsbook Review" is turned into

a points scandal that I created

you hit the nail on the fukkin head



Oct 23, 2021
Sure you can cuss him out.

Keep in mind Optional is only a mere mortal human. I saw what he posted and now you have reposted it. We all make mistakes.

But bro, you tilted those guys, made it personal and they struck back. Optional and Shari are good decent people. They are not owners making all kinds of money. They don't deserve the stress you threw their way just so you could star in your own SBR drama show.

Back to the points...

Is it really the mods job to uncover point scams??? I highly doubt it. That would be finance, management or who ever.
and to this point........Optional says he has evidence and that he is doing some more work after Thanksgiving (isnt he in Australia, why is he worried about Thanksgiving)

so I guess it is their job

but hes doing a pathetic job



Nov 13, 2021
Nice to see you again Brooks lol. And if you think I'm a "typical liberal woman" you know nothing about me.

Hope life in the hidey hole is treating you well.
actions speak louder than words.

You are a typical liberal woman.

I don't know what the hidey hole is but yes, my life is great especially compared to your dogshit country lol good job giving up guns. Look real stupid now huh?



Nov 13, 2021
I'm a bit DISHEARTENED noone at sbr is backing me aside from dawgy

but it is nice to see that not many are falling for Optionals evidence that I am scamming sbr

optional once said australia had honest media coverage....

once you read something like that you know that person is an idiot. Not insults, some people are tall and some people are idiots. Facts.

Anyone who believes a word that clown says is a dumb enough to believe anything a multiple time proven liar like shari says. And the hilarious part is they are mods of the "new' sbr I guess?

fucking hilarious, new owners obviously have no idea wtf they are doing and clearly neither did SBR john; Dumb lazy idiots, all of em.
Last edited:



Oct 23, 2021
All posts from OPTIONAL

I can't wait to see what happens

Received some evidence that someone worked with Rudy to create the point scam. Intentionally. And he did it so fast after Rudy knew that his claim of not being able to contact anyone is a proven lie as well.

Not sure Firdawg has enough brains to have used the proper grammar I have seen, but if it proves to be him we might finally get to see photos of them both. They post mugshots in public in Georgia I think?

Anyway, will match up some info from here and BMR after Thanksgiving and sort it out and see what management of both sites involved would like to do.

Rudy should have trusted me and explained what happened when asked. And been a bit of a hero for helping resolve it, instead of what appears to be a duplicitous villain now.

Are you guys going to make an attempt to run the second scam you keep threatening Rudy?

You can do that and make yourself and your POS pal who told you about the problem a bigger target if you like.

Or you could re-think who you trust and let me know what you know and I could use that help to try to convince Shari as I offered first time.

Just sayin...

Yeah, dopey.

Much nicer than the repeated personal jabs you haven't stopped throwing all over the place.

And much much nicer than what I really think about you.

And Rudy had his chances to talk to me like an adult. Too late, I know what happened now. And know he is still lying. Why entertain him?



Oct 23, 2021
Here is my deal:

1. 1 week stickied at SBR that Optional messed up and I didnt create a scam

2. 2200 points for missing out on contests/trivia to pay daggles

3. My account unlocked at SBR

4. I will say the 2nd scam to then privately

Over Under

Over Under

Jun 17, 2021
optional once said australia had honest media coverage....

once you read something like that you know that person is an idiot. Not insults, some people are tall and some people are idiots. Facts.

Anyone who believes a word that clown says is a dumb enough to believe anything a multiple time proven liar like shari says. And the hilarious part is they are mods of the "new' sbr I guess?

fucking hilarious, new owners obviously have no idea wtf they are doing and clearly neither did SBR john; Dumb lazy idiots, all of em.
Is Australia liberal in general?



Jun 10, 2021
I had little to zero interest in any of this until an SBR employee spoke negatively about BMR employees, as well as lying to posters that "they" cleaned house and got rid of us.
Extremely unprofessional.
I'm still confused as to why that happened because we all get along as far as I know/knew.

So once I started reading about the story and posts, and getting other posters' opinions, it's quite clear, with any common sense, you posted what you discovered in a boasting manner, looking for a pat on the back perhaps. (which is ok)
Now the only twist to any of this is if you did something wrong and then decided to post something to deter.
And I'm sure that's the picture they're now trying to paint whether true or not.

So I reiterate....

I nor others always agree with you on things, but I don't think you're a complete fool either to try something like that.

Agree with Roy as I'm sure most everyone does that it's time to move on.
But to be fair to you the other parties involved should as well, especially after a poster like Roy made it clear to them you never should have banned (although you're only one of very many)
We'd just like to do our job for the man/men who pay us, without others in the same field taking shots at us.

Fun weekend of sports & betting upon us, let's focus...👍