👉NFL Scout Who Hit On Brock Purdy Warns Teams About USC QB Caleb Williams

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Mar 6, 2018
Former NY Jets NFL scout David Kelly warns teams about drafting USC QB Caleb Williams

"This time of the year is about teams doing background work and trying to get inside prospects’ heads. This is part of the evaluation process.

I believe any team considering Caleb Williams needs to think about the high risk from the neck up based on Williams actions, conduct and words that he’s demonstrated.

From painting his fingernails with obscenities aimed at opponents to refusing to shaking hands with Utah and refusing to speak to reporters after the UCLA game, Williams has given NFL owners and decision makers a lot to talk about.


He also made a public statement after the Notre Dame game about a fan being like a sheep and referred to himself as a lion.

Will be paint some obscenity about the 49ers on his fingernails?

He also made a public statement after the Notre Dame game about a fan being like a sheep and referred to himself as a lion.

Will be paint some obscenity about the 49ers on his fingernails?

Will he jump up into the stands again?

Will he put down fans publicly when the microphone is in his face after a loss and he’s feeling frustrated?

During a press conference he said, “I want to go home and cuddle with my dog and watch some shows,” (USA TODAY)

What will he say in NFL press conferences?

How will he represent his team and city?

What’s he going to say or do next?

That’s the question.

He’s much closer to Johnny Manziel than Patrick Mahomes on the spectrum. I mean that with respect and sensitivity, but that’s what I would say if I was a scout sitting in the pre-draft meetings.

What I find incredible is that more people aren’t talking about this.

Do we not care about him?

We witnessed Caleb Williams having a mental breakdown right before our eyes crying uncontrollably in his mother’s arms. To me —as a former NFL Scout, he’s the most mentally fragile player I’ve ever evaluated, quarterback or otherwise.

He has little experience dealing with adversity even by his own admission:

“I’ve never been in this situation, where I’m 7-5 and there are no playoff hopes at the end of the season. I’m dealing with it emotionally, dealing with it spiritually and physically.” (Los Angeles Times)

And now we think he’s going to go into a team with a losing record and turn it around?

He’s 2-9 against ranked college teams on top of it all— and now he’s going to do it in a league that’s only faster and more complex?

Make it make sense.

The mental pressure and expectations will be unbearable from day one. Training camp will look more like a rock concert. Every practice throw will be followed by the paparazzi. Completion percentages in practices, all of it will become a public spectacle.

The expectations are he’s Superman, but in reality he’s 22 years old.

Statistically and on game film Williams regressed in 2023.

This is not headed in the right direction.

I get team fan bases wanting to win and the mainstream media feeding off that hope, but underneath that we have to care about Caleb Williams as a person more than anything. I personally feel for the young man.

He’s in an impossible situation.

Team owners and front office personnel have to consider this high risk.

Watch his post game press conferences on YouTube over the last six weeks of the season (before UCLA). Watch his body language and his eyes. Listen to his tone. Watch how he carries himself. His energy level is lower. He looks aloof at times. Look at his posture on the bench after the loss to Utah all slumped over. He’s giving us the signs. Even his team responded with more spirit and enthusiasm when QB Miller Moss made his first start in his absence in the Holiday Bowl.

The Trojans were heard reportedly shouting "We a team now! We a team now!" after the upset against Louisville.

Quote by Miller Moss. Read between the lines.

“I don't think it's as much about me as it is about the team," Moss said after the game. "The emphasis is really to come together as a team. No ego, no individual. It's all about us as a team bonding together, and that's what we are to focus on moving forward.”

This isn’t a one off, Caleb Williams has been sending us warning signs for two seasons."



Oct 27, 2021
So many great quotes from that review.... This one seems to sum it up for me.

He’s much closer to Johnny Manziel than Patrick Mahomes on the spectrum. I mean that with respect and sensitivity, but that’s what I would say if I was a scout sitting in the pre-draft meetings.



Mar 6, 2018
So many great quotes from that review.... This one seems to sum it up for me.

He’s much closer to Johnny Manziel than Patrick Mahomes on the spectrum. I mean that with respect and sensitivity, but that’s what I would say if I was a scout sitting in the pre-draft meetings.
The part that would concern me the most is this...

"Even his team responded with more spirit and enthusiasm when QB Miller Moss made his first start in his absence in the Holiday Bowl.

The Trojans were heard reportedly shouting "We a team now! We a team now!" after the upset against Louisville."



Jan 8, 2024
Dude is the next Jay Cutler - with less talent and humility

He’s smart - but not as bright as he thinks he is.

He wants to be a leader - but doesn’t understand leadership.

He plays stupid games with people - but no one else knows he’s playing a game.

Wherever he goes - expect a member of the media rubs him the wrong way shortly upon arrival.

I just don’t see a great fit for him outside of Washington - and that will be a tough fit for him. New England likely won’t be any better - it’s going to be rough already with BB retiring. Who else is left - Tennessee maybe - but with a QB already being groomed to take over - I don’t see them as investing the kind of capital needed to trade up for him.



Mar 6, 2018
This guy is really putting a lot of pressure on himself and setting himself up for hell to take if he flops

Caleb Williams:

"Everybody watches Patrick [Mahomes] and sees all the cool things he can do," Williams told CBS Sports. "I always said, even in high school, that I don't think there's anything ... obviously, it's special, but I don't think there's anything that I can't do that he's doing out there."



Jan 8, 2024
This guy is really putting a lot of pressure on himself and setting himself up for hell to take if he flops

Caleb Williams:

"Everybody watches Patrick [Mahomes] and sees all the cool things he can do," Williams told CBS Sports. "I always said, even in high school, that I don't think there's anything ... obviously, it's special, but I don't think there's anything that I can't do that he's doing out there."

Well - I don’t think he’s all that special either - but he does ONE thing Caleb Williams does in the NFL that Williams won’t be able to do - win.

It’s pretty simple - be less of a target and just stay humble and listen/learn. A whole lot of guys in this league who were the best athlete their HS ever saw and many who were the best QB their school has seen recently - doesn’t matter. You gotta earn your job all over again. Look at the list of USC QBs in the last 30 years - start with Marinovich (ok he’s slightly beyond 30 I think) - but a lot more bust than hits.



Oct 27, 2021
This guy is really putting a lot of pressure on himself and setting himself up for hell to take if he flops

Caleb Williams:

"Everybody watches Patrick [Mahomes] and sees all the cool things he can do," Williams told CBS Sports. "I always said, even in high school, that I don't think there's anything ... obviously, it's special, but I don't think there's anything that I can't do that he's doing out there."
Dude just put a target on his back in the NFL. Thinking he's Mahomes level. Pros aren't going to like the attitude. He be a dumb sumbiatch.



Aug 7, 2022
In college he was a better athlete than quarterback when avoiding defenses during scrambles. In the NFL defensive line and linebackers will be more athletic and he is going to get hit. He better be a better quarterback than athlete or he is going to get hurt. He reminds me of RG3. Faster than everyone else but couldn’t take the punishment.