Biometrics in U.S. Casinos Could Offer Next-Level Security

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The picture shows a fingerprint reader collecting biometric data. AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones.

In today’s fast-growing digital world, even within the realm of U.S. sports betting, security is undergoing transformative changes. New tools are being adopted to ensure safety in various contexts.

One increasingly popular tool in this arena is biometrics, a technology that leverages distinctive body features (such as fingerprints, facial shapes, and eyes) or unique behaviors to accurately distinguish individuals from one another.

And now, casinos, whether brick-and-mortar or online are starting to think about using “bio-verification” because it provides a next-level security upgrade from what is currently being used.

Biometrics For Age Verification 

The product manager for Innovative Technology, Andrew O’Brien, says bio-verification systems can “card” someone, in less than a second. The customer just shows their face, and that’s it. If they’re old enough, it’s easy and smooth. Plus, it’s private – no personal info is shared.

Also, it helps avoid arguments because the system asks for an ID check. “IDs can be faked easily enough, but it is harder to fake your face,” O’Brien said. “In the UK, we have found that this gives the retailer more confidence in estimating age and more confidence in asking for ID.”

Spotting People Who Were Banned 

Casinos sometimes don’t allow certain people in because they’ve cheated or caused trouble. The old way was to look at camera videos and compare them to photos, but that takes time and might be inaccurate. Now, with new tech like face scanning, casinos can quickly spot these people when they come in.

Finding Cheaters in a Casino

Casinos can be cheated too. With new tech (like biometrics), security personnel can look at how someone plays, like the way they hold cards or throw dice, to see if they might be cheating.

Using Biometrics in Online Casino Safety

Online gambling is big, and there’s a need to make sure players are who they say they are. Why? To stop cheating, prevent kids from gambling, and prevent money laundering.

Biometrics helps with this. It uses face scans or fingerprints to check who’s playing. Also, it watches how someone plays, like how they move the mouse or type, to spot anything fishy. All this helps make online gambling safer and fairer for everyone.

What’s Next For Casino Biometrics in the U.S.?

Using face scans to check someone’s age or who they are is new in the U.S. However, lawmakers in New York and Washington are thinking about pushing it forward.

What remains to be seen is whether casinos can swap out ID checks for these new systems with the current gaming rules that are in place. Operators might need some time to warm up to the idea, or at least a chance to figure out which system might work best.

But there’s no denying that biometric technology represents a significant advancement in the domain of casino security. It provides enhanced security, efficiency, and convenience for both the casino establishments and their clientele.

For physical casinos, biometrics can streamline entry processes, identify banned patrons, and heighten overall security. For online platforms, it stands as a tool to ensure integrity and fairness.

As the technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it’s anticipated that an increasing number of both brick-and-mortar and online casinos will integrate biometrics into their security protocols. Ensuring proper use and addressing privacy concerns will be paramount, but if done correctly, biometrics has the potential to usher in a new era of safety and security in the gambling industry.