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  1. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Memorial Weekend Beer Money Parlay

    :cheers: It will either be a good weekend, or a great one. Pays +270 Phillies D-Backs Dodgers Good Luck Everybody!
  2. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Lakers M/L +140 - Gambling Next Week’s Beer Money

    :cheers: Either drinking Pizza Port or PBR’s….. Good Luck Everybody!
  3. maltedhopsfrenzy

    L.A. To Vegas Bullet Train!!!!!
  4. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Anybody Else Disgusted With The ‘Grammys’ - Just Think…..

    40 years ago, this album debuted…..
  5. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Funny, All Those ‘Protect Your House’ Commercials Baker Mayfield Did With The Browns…..

    :ROFLMAO: :poop: Dookies out - Baker Mayfield keeps going with the Bucs…..
  6. maltedhopsfrenzy

    O.K., It’s ‘Da RAIIDAHZ’…..

    But Easton Stick?!?! No Keenan Allen, and it’s primetime in Vegas?!?! Gotta think ‘interim’ coach and the cheesy 70’s porn QB get it done, right?!?! Against my better judgement….. M/L’ing Da RAIDAHZ….. Good Luck All
  7. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Was Thinking - What If You Just Ran Every Single Down?

    Has any team ever done that? Take a decent team with a semi-decent ‘O’-Line like the Colts and a 1-2 RB punch of a (healthy) Taylor & Moss, you spread the receivers out every play like normal - don’t bunch up for the ‘Brotherly Shove’, and just run it each play. I think that would work to some...
  8. maltedhopsfrenzy

    Hedge Question…..

    I have an 8-team parlay that ends tomorrow with the Chiefs straight up & over 42.5 - how can I hedge this? Thank you in advance…..
  9. maltedhopsfrenzy

    West Hollywood ‘Pride’ Parade Was Today…..

    I forwarded some of this $#!T on KTLA channel 5 out here in L.A. and it was non-stop ‘support’ for the LGBT-whatever, fine, I get it….. Question - Why is this whole thing barely clothed gross ‘drag’ dudes and obviously g@y dudes dressed as ‘firefighters’ or ‘military’ or anything in a banana...