Recent content by BobbyFK

  1. BobbyFK

    Poker Event #4 Sunday June 2nd at 8p EST

    Note to self to never getting a fight with KVB 😲
  2. BobbyFK

    NBA or NFL?

    What an ending! Is it all true though?
  3. BobbyFK

    Poker Event #4 Sunday June 2nd at 8p EST

    How do you figure? You win, you get paid in coins or in a tournament ticket which get paid out after the final tournament
  4. BobbyFK

    Edibles??? Anyone

    Pass. I have no interest
  5. BobbyFK

    The last 1500 yard rusher for each NFL team

    Yeah but he only served 4 months at a prison camp for it 😂
  6. BobbyFK

    The last 1500 yard rusher for each NFL team

    The Juice!
  7. BobbyFK

    Poker Event #4 Sunday June 2nd at 8p EST

    Sure I'll send over now
  8. BobbyFK

    Rudy play: (leaving for 30 days if i dont hit both)

    You are one of a kind Rudy! You won't be forgotten
  9. BobbyFK

    Poker Event #4 Sunday June 2nd at 8p EST

    Sending it over now
  10. BobbyFK

    Illini’s Daughter….

    No resemblance there
  11. BobbyFK

    Any gambling site with MLB feed?

    If they have them there's probably a delay. Not good for live betting
  12. BobbyFK

    May Final Poster Rankings

    Congratulations Sammy! 👏🏻 👏🏻
  13. BobbyFK

    May Final Poster Rankings

    No promises were made
  14. BobbyFK

    Can't make the fights today Diggs.....

    Is that real?!
  15. BobbyFK

    Illini’s Daughter….

    I don't believe he has any kids but I could be mistaken