Curious - what’s the “lowest” rent for a house in the US

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Jan 8, 2024
Ok - obviously not gambling related - but since we have posters across the US - thought I’d ask here. What’s the lowest rent you see in your area for a single family/3bed - 2 bath house ? Assuming of course no roommates - not renting from or living with relatives.

Reason I ask is simply this - I’m dealing with an inherited property that I currently rent out. It’s more than a house - it’s country and has a fair amount of acreage to it. Former family farm on my dad’s side where I grew up.

I’m a couple hours away and the house itself is probably 100 years old. It’s been updated over the years and while not “modern” by most standards - it’s also not best to hell. It’s been gutted and remodeled last about 20 years ago so showing age but not horrible shape by any means.

Initially, did not want to sell - I mean it’s been in the family for probably 100 years and just felt “wrong” to sell and profit something that has been handed down generations. Opportunity presented itself to rent to someone local last year - so I agreed to rent it out at $850 month to month.

Knew the people - and in a way felt kind of sympathetic towards them - they got hit with 2 grandkids (around age 4-5) unexpectedly and were living in a mobile home - so pretty tight quarters. They seemed to be generally good people so I said I’d rent to them - even waived deposit and said I’d gift a few months for doing the clean out on the place.

So here we are 6 months later - they have been responsible for 4 months rent - and no month has ever been paid before the 15th (due 1st). I told them first time it was late - I’m flexible - but you need to tell me when you’re going to be later than 10th. Of course continues to pay when they “can” or feel like it (I can’t tell which - none of my business - like to think they are honest - but who knows).

Now I’m not exactly poor - but also not wealthy either. Generally get by every month and kick back to retirement fund - and keep some savings but still have a mortgage/car payment and credit cards. On top of that got a smallish mortgage on that place (100k) that is a 10 year balloon (so need to refi in next 2 years).

Now I’ve got a couple of options - I can refi and keep renting - sell just the house and keep majority of the land (would net 100-150k after payoff of mortgage) or just sell it all and probably net 500k. I’m thinking 2nd option - I mean this way keep the place in the family aside from the house I’ll never live in again in my life - free up some cash to pay off all non mortgage debt. Of course the downside is I’m still sitting on a lot of untapped equity on a property I don’t use and while not a lot of maintenance there - it’s still a liability.

If I sell - a lot of free cash suddenly - and why mortgage free living sounds nice - I mean tons of free cash flow monthly with no where to invest and paying a hefty capital gains tax is a tough pill to swallow up front.

Then there’s the issue of booting tenants - I feel bad selling so shortly after renting to them - but at the same time I think it’s clear they are going to keep taking advantage of me. Slow paying - have had multiple service calls for minor stuff and more complaints than rent checks about trivial stuff and request for me to accommodate them (for example - as mentioned this is a big property and I have multiple buildings on site - rent is house and a stall in garage I told them I’d clear out for parking in winter. Shortly after they move in - they ask me to clear out the entire garage so they can stop paying rent on their storage unit. No extra $$ offered - just expect me to move my junk so they can store theirs free).

I mean the way I look at it - they are living in a house for half of what the mortgage would cost on just the house and treating it like their own (the entire property). It’s clear simply talking isn’t working - hate to be the asshole here - but sometimes nothing else gets the point across.



Oct 27, 2021
San Antonio area.
3 bed/2 bath, Air conditioning. Standard yard (no acreage).

At the low end $1400
High end $3000

Age of homes in all prices ranges are from 1950s to 2000s. The biggest difference in price is the location (nice neighborhood vs in the hood, near schools or closer to downtown) and of course condition (has it been recently upgraded).



Oct 28, 2021
Ok - obviously not gambling related - but since we have posters across the US - thought I’d ask here. What’s the lowest rent you see in your area for a single family/3bed - 2 bath house ? Assuming of course no roommates - not renting from or living with relatives.

Reason I ask is simply this - I’m dealing with an inherited property that I currently rent out. It’s more than a house - it’s country and has a fair amount of acreage to it. Former family farm on my dad’s side where I grew up.

I’m a couple hours away and the house itself is probably 100 years old. It’s been updated over the years and while not “modern” by most standards - it’s also not best to hell. It’s been gutted and remodeled last about 20 years ago so showing age but not horrible shape by any means.

Initially, did not want to sell - I mean it’s been in the family for probably 100 years and just felt “wrong” to sell and profit something that has been handed down generations. Opportunity presented itself to rent to someone local last year - so I agreed to rent it out at $850 month to month.

Knew the people - and in a way felt kind of sympathetic towards them - they got hit with 2 grandkids (around age 4-5) unexpectedly and were living in a mobile home - so pretty tight quarters. They seemed to be generally good people so I said I’d rent to them - even waived deposit and said I’d gift a few months for doing the clean out on the place.

So here we are 6 months later - they have been responsible for 4 months rent - and no month has ever been paid before the 15th (due 1st). I told them first time it was late - I’m flexible - but you need to tell me when you’re going to be later than 10th. Of course continues to pay when they “can” or feel like it (I can’t tell which - none of my business - like to think they are honest - but who knows).

Now I’m not exactly poor - but also not wealthy either. Generally get by every month and kick back to retirement fund - and keep some savings but still have a mortgage/car payment and credit cards. On top of that got a smallish mortgage on that place (100k) that is a 10 year balloon (so need to refi in next 2 years).

Now I’ve got a couple of options - I can refi and keep renting - sell just the house and keep majority of the land (would net 100-150k after payoff of mortgage) or just sell it all and probably net 500k. I’m thinking 2nd option - I mean this way keep the place in the family aside from the house I’ll never live in again in my life - free up some cash to pay off all non mortgage debt. Of course the downside is I’m still sitting on a lot of untapped equity on a property I don’t use and while not a lot of maintenance there - it’s still a liability.

If I sell - a lot of free cash suddenly - and why mortgage free living sounds nice - I mean tons of free cash flow monthly with no where to invest and paying a hefty capital gains tax is a tough pill to swallow up front.

Then there’s the issue of booting tenants - I feel bad selling so shortly after renting to them - but at the same time I think it’s clear they are going to keep taking advantage of me. Slow paying - have had multiple service calls for minor stuff and more complaints than rent checks about trivial stuff and request for me to accommodate them (for example - as mentioned this is a big property and I have multiple buildings on site - rent is house and a stall in garage I told them I’d clear out for parking in winter. Shortly after they move in - they ask me to clear out the entire garage so they can stop paying rent on their storage unit. No extra $$ offered - just expect me to move my junk so they can store theirs free).

I mean the way I look at it - they are living in a house for half of what the mortgage would cost on just the house and treating it like their own (the entire property). It’s clear simply talking isn’t working - hate to be the asshole here - but sometimes nothing else gets the point across.
In my opinion whatever you choose you’d better get those folks out of your property sooner rather than later.

Way too many red flags.



Jan 8, 2024
In my opinion whatever you choose you’d better get those folks out of your property sooner rather than later.

Way too many red flags.

Agreed - I ignored some and let others slide. Ultimately though it comes down to this - trying to help some people is a waste.

I have a family and work. While I try to help - if you’re going to free roll me and make me work harder to maintain my lifestyle while you enhance yours - I won’t feel bad about giving you the boot.

I’ve got a land contract I inherited and 2 other tenants too on lots I rent. All pay timely, remain respectful and in general have been great. They also pay below market rents as a result.

I hear shit down there constantly how it’s an “economically depressed area” - and it is to a degree. But sorry - $15 is the defecto minimum wage - that’s $2400 a month and 35% of that is $850. If you can’t pay 1/3 of your budget for shelter - you’re doing a shitty job budgeting. And that assumes 1 worker in the family - stay at home spouse and no child credits/benefits - 40 hour work week. We at least know there are tax breaks for kids and EIC for lower wage families. Yes - things are getting expensive - but no reason someone can’t make it day to day given affordable housing (or be honest about their situation when they are in trouble and I’ve reached out saying it’s fine - I understand- but just be honest with me).

When you go silent - it’s just not a good look. When you start complaining and demanding - it’s a worse look to me.



Oct 27, 2021
Similarly, I had a problem getting renters out of a house after I allowed them to slide on the rent payment. They were paying later and later each month. I went to my lawyer and he said that since I allowed it to happen and didn't stop it right away, there wasn't much I could do. It somehow became an unwritten agreement between the renter and myself. The laws may vary by state.

Had to wait for lease to run out and then got them out. Ended up losing on 2 months rent over the year.



Jan 8, 2024
Similarly, I had a problem getting renters out of a house after I allowed them to slide on the rent payment. They were paying later and later each month. I went to my lawyer and he said that since I allowed it to happen and didn't stop it right away, there wasn't much I could do. It somehow became an unwritten agreement between the renter and myself. The laws may vary by state.

Had to wait for lease to run out and then got them out. Ended up losing on 2 months rent over the year.

This is why I kept these on a month to month - people will ignore a lease and takes months to get a case to the bench.

M 2 M - I can cancel with 30 days - no questions/issues - if you don’t hold a lease - your a trespasser post lease termination.



Oct 28, 2021
This is why I kept these on a month to month - people will ignore a lease and takes months to get a case to the bench.

M 2 M - I can cancel with 30 days - no questions/issues - if you don’t hold a lease - your a trespasser post lease termination.
I think 30 days notice is fairly standard on a month to month



Jan 8, 2024
Just talked to realtor - said things very busy and should definitely go fast.

I’m very torn - i mean not having to mess with the house would be nice - losing both the 2nd mortgage and all non mortgage debt - even nicer.

It’s tempting to just sell it all - got a neighbor who owns all around me - something stupid like 3500 acres - I set dead center with road frontage - so obviously they are interested in buying.

But that means leaving behind a lot of memories - and dealing with a ton of headache of a large cash influx - capital gains/people knowing you suddenly have cash. Wife and I have said if I ever agreed to sell we would move to a “destination” home. She wants to be on the water near Seattle (I’m not as big of a fan of Seattle for a variety of reasons aside from politics). Would love to do Vancouver BC - but work requires me to be in USA - Western Michigan or Eastern Wi would be nice - until November through March with the snow.

Just left NC - so not sure I’d want to return so soon and she has shot down Texas/Oklahoma as well as North Alabama/Mississippi (my picks). Guess we will just stick it out here a few more years. Beyond that who knows if I will even be around.



Jun 5, 2022
In my neighborhood too. I paid my house off a couple of years ago but rent on homes near me are higher than my mortgage payment ever was.
How do families do it?? I notice that many rent for a year, and once the lease goes up they move to the next spot. That’s no way to live, in my opinion.
When I worked at Disney, those poor suckers had no choice but to rent with five or six other Disney employees. The apartments were like 24-hour operations, with all the different shifts being worked.



Oct 28, 2021
How do families do it?? I notice that many rent for a year, and once the lease goes up they move to the next spot. That’s no way to live, in my opinion.
When I worked at Disney, those poor suckers had no choice but to rent with five or six other Disney employees. The apartments were like 24-hour operations, with all the different shifts being worked.
Most families can’t afford to buy a house these days. The majority of the younger generation will go their entire lives without home ownership.

The middle class is pretty much gone. So unless you’re among the small percentage in a field like tech, etc., and making real good money, you’re a renter for life.

It’s one of the main goals I had growing up. That’s why I doubled and at times even tripled up mortgage payments when I could. And paid it off in about 18 years.

But I bought in 1999. I can’t even imagine buying today.
Last edited:



Dec 11, 2021
Most families can’t afford to buy a house these days. The majority of the younger generation will go their entire lives without home ownership.

The middle class is pretty much gone. So unless you’re among the small percentage in a field like tech, etc., and making real good money, you’re a renter for life.

It’s one of the main goals I had growing up. That’s why I doubled and at times even tripled up mortgage payments when I could. And paid it off in about 18 years.

But I bought in 1999. I can’t even imagine buying today.
Smart man :an_clap: